Each body is unique, so acupuncturist must individualize their treatment. In general, though acupuncture treatment boosts and stimulates your vital energy, Qi, and improves the way the body functions.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, Qi, our circulating vital energy, and Blood move together throughout our body. When both Qi and blood flow well, the body and mind are happy and there is no blockage or pain. If Qi and blood don’t flow well, however, Qi stagnation and/or blood stagnation can occur, resulting in body aches, headaches, or stress.
Qi and blood flow just like our everyday highway traffic. We enjoy driving when cars are flowing without congestion (=Qi flows well), but if we get stuck in traffic, we get frustrated (=Qi Stagnation). Acupuncture helps to maintain the smooth flow of Qi and blood and keeps our body balanced so that body, mind and soul are happily in harmony.